E-GROUP ICT SOFTWARE Zrt. Seeks Experienced IT Project Manager

21 hours ago

Budapest, Budapest, Czech Republic E-GROUP ICT SOFTWARE Zrt. Full time
Job Overview

We are a forward-thinking company focused on delivering innovative IT solutions across various sectors.

Key Responsibilities
  • Manage multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring alignment with strategic goals.
  • Coordinate interdisciplinary project teams, manage dependencies and risks, and ensure stakeholders are kept informed and aligned throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Work closely with business and IT departments to analyze requirements and design effective solutions.
Required Skills & Qualifications
  • Proven experience in IT project management, Agile, Waterfall methodologies, RDI projects.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, with experience in presenting to C-level executives and senior management.
  • Project management certifications, such as PMP or PRINCE2.
  • Familiarity with project management software, including Azure DevOps, Scrum, and Kanban.
  • Experience working with international teams and managing cross-border projects is an advantage.
What We Offer
  • Career Growth: Opportunities for continuous professional development, training, and advancement within the company.
  • Competitive Compensation: Attractive salary and comprehensive benefits package.
  • Supportive Environment: Work in a dynamic, fast-paced, innovative, collaborative and inclusive team environment where your contributions are valued.
Additional Information
  • Flat structure and expert team.
  • Barátságos csapat (Friendly team).
  • Free parking, Mobiltelefon, Bike parking, Shower, Pihenő zóna, Startup atmosphere, Modern budai iroda, No dress code.

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