E-Commerce Business Analyst

7 days ago

Prague, Czech Republic JOBSTART s.r.o. Full time

E-Commerce Business Analyst – Mezinárodní projekt v oblasti farmacieHledáte zajímavou příležitost v oblasti e-commerce, kde budete mít možnost podílet se na projektech s mezinárodním přesahem? Pro klienta působícího v oblasti farmacie hledáme zkušeného E-Commerce Business Analystu, který bude hrát klíčovou roli v rozvoji a optimalizaci mezinárodní e-commerce platformy. Práce je možná na HPP nebo formou spolupráce na IČO. Nástup možný ihned Co vás...

  • Prague, Czech Republic JOBSTART s.r.o. Full time

    E-Commerce Business Analyst – Mezinárodní projekt v oblasti farmacieHledáte zajímavou příležitost v oblasti e-commerce, kde budete mít možnost podílet se na projektech s mezinárodním přesahem? Pro klienta působícího v oblasti farmacie hledáme zkušeného E-Commerce Business Analystu, který bude hrát klíčovou roli v rozvoji a...

  • Data analyst |bpmn

    2 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. Full time

    - 26 dnů dovolené- 3 dny zdravotního volna.- 15 % roční bonus- Benefit plus- Příspěvek na penzijní připojištění - Flexibilní pracovní doba- Dotované stravování- Vzdělávací kurzy- Firemní akce- MultisportkaDo našeho data analyst / business analyst týmu hledáme posilu na pozici DATA ANALYST se znalostí BPMN & UMLMáte zkušenosti v...

  • Java Developer

    2 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. Full time

    - 5 týdnů dovolené a 3 sick days- Multisport karta- Stravenky- Příspěvek za odpracované roky- Bonus za doporučení kolegy- Výhodný nákup vozů, levnější volání pro blízké, tankovací karta, sleva na nákup v lékárnách- Parkování u kanceláře- Zajištěná zdravotní péčeHledáme Business analytika, který bude pomáhat řešit...

  • Prague, Czech Republic Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. Full time

    Hledáme Business analytika, který bude pomáhat řešit problémy kolegů a převádět jejich potřeby do jasných požadavků pro IT architekty. Budete analyzovat a mapovat procesy pomocí Enterprise Architect, navrhovat zlepšení provozních a logistických procesů a spolupracovat na zavádění moderních nástrojů a systémů, které zefektivní...

  • Prague 1, Czech Republic FERRO Legal, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o. Full time

    Looking for a new opportunity? Are you a technology lover? A passionate problem solver?If so, read on.  We are  FERRO Legal - a law firm providing a high standard of legal services to entrepreneurs in the rapidly developing areas of technology, IP/IT and e-commerce. As startups grow, they need different types of legal services as well as different...

  • MuleSoft Developer

    4 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. Full time

    - 26 dnů dovolené- 3 dny zdravotního volna.- 15 % roční bonus- Benefit plus- Příspěvek na penzijní připojištění - Flexibilní pracovní doba- Dotované stravování- Vzdělávací kurzy- Firemní akce- MultisportkaDo našeho data analyst / business analyst týmu hledáme posilu na pozici DATOVÉHO SPECIALISTY se znalostí BPMN & UMLMáte...

  • Prague, Czech Republic Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. Full time

    Do našeho data analyst / business analyst týmu hledáme posilu na pozici DATOVÉHO SPECIALISTY se znalostí BPMN & UMLMáte zkušenosti v datové či business process analýze, a chtěli bysrte se naučit modelovat data?Hledáte stabilní prostředí s možností horizontálního i vertikálního růstu?Tak neváhejte, a zašlete mi Vaše CV!A co bude...

  • Prague 1, Czech Republic FERRO Legal, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o. Full time

    Looking for a new opportunity? Do you love challenge? Are you a technology lover? A passionate problem solver?If so, read on.We are FERRO Legal - a law firm providing a high standard of legal services to entrepreneurs in the rapidly developing areas of technology, IP/IT and e-commerce. As startups grow, they need different types of legal services as well as...

  • Product Analyst

    3 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic BlueThrone Full time

    Product Analyst - B2C Mobile AppsFirst things first, if you are looking for a fully remote role with flexible hours, unlimited time off, and are based somewhere in Europe or Asia, read on. This role is not just a job; it's a calling for those who dare to lead, inspire, and transform the digital landscape. Join us, and let's chart a course to a future...

  • Proposal Analyst

    3 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic TeeTime SE Full time

    Mzda: Kompetitivní (dle zkušeností)Benefity: MultiSport, 25 dní dovolené, sick-days, profesní rozvoj, možnost práce na dálku/hybridně.Hledáme motivovaného Proposal Analystu, který podpoří náš tým v softwarovém průmyslu. Tato pozice je ideální pro mladé profesionály, kteří chtějí růst v oblasti tvorby nabídek, analýzy dat a...

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Camunda 8 Consultant

    2 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • DevOps Engineer

    2 weeks ago

    Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....

  • Prague, Czech Republic Algoteque Full time

    ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies.Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce....